Saturday, May 4, 2013

On the Eve of Confirmation...

Michael on Pike's Peak in 2010
As I sit here looking over my handiwork of a few evenings, I find myself astounded. On the computer is a file
of pictures that I will have running as a slide show on a table at the Confirmation reception tomorrow following his first Communion.

There are 870 pictures. They range from about age three up to just a few days ago. Fourteen years of life. At least eleven years of pictures. Moment that are captured in a flurry of digital pixels. Instants in time that are going to be seen by family and friends. Many of these pictures he has never seen before, but he will remember the details when he sees each and every one. I am sure of it.

Pastor Eckels questions the Confirmands at St. Paul's.
Michael is in the green striped shirt.
Last night we sat and watched as two of our Pastors questioned each of the Confirmands they sat panel-style between the two podiums. Quite frankly... I was amazed at the depth of understanding in these eighth-graders as they proved and upheld their education in their faith.

All of them were a bit nervous as they sat facing a total of five local Pastors as well as family and members of a few different Congregations. But as the questioning got underway, their anxiety eased and they easily answered and showed understanding of their professed beliefs. In the majority of questions, they were even eager to raise their hands to answer.

I was proud as Michael answered the first three questions asked. It then went somewhat randomly with the raised hands. Good questions... answers filled with understanding.

It amazes me the depth of understanding represented by this group of Confirmands. They responded to each question. Their verbal explanations of the Apostle's, the Nicene and the Athanasian Creeds were without question.

Michael and I in 2008 at
Philmont in New Mexico.
These youth see the Truth. They see the Way, the Truth and the Life.

They quoted scripture upon the asking. It was written in their hearts.

Our Pastors have done a fine job in the shepherding and education of these youth.

Tomorrow, in just a few hours, they will be Confirmed and receive their first Communion. May they approach the Sacrament of the Altar with reverence, preparation and awe as they partake in that which was given and shed for them.

May they know the comforts of the believer.

Michael as Crucifier during
Lent in 2013
We will be there with them in this.

I, for one, am proud of the Faith my son has exhibited. He will enter a public high school next year. May he stand firm in his faith. May the Lord give him the strength to do so among his peers.

I have watched him grow from a small child to a young man capable of many things. He isn't perfect. None of us are... but he continues to grow in many ways. I for one am glad that his faith in God is at the forefront of his life.

I watched him present before a group of youth and adults today on the topic of packing a backpack. My hope is that he will use his God-given talents in many ways... but I hope that the presentation abilities will also be used to deliver the saving grace of the Word; the message of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Michael presenting today.

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