Wednesday, May 8, 2013

1009 Views... WHAT?!??!

Today realized the 1000th viewing of my blog. Not bad for less than a year. The thing that has astounded me though is where my readers are... It goes to figure that the majority would be in the United States. What surprises me are the next two countries listed in the stats.

Here they are...

USA                    783
Germany              110
Russia                  79
United Kingdom   5
France                 2
Ireland                 2
Brazil                   1
China                   1
Italy                     1
Malaysia              1

I guess I am curious more than anything... May be that the posts that wax more Lutheran are attracting my Germany readers. I really have no way to know for sure. I would also love to know what individuals from the other countries have seen in my blog that led them to read it.

The two highest viewed posts have been "A Trip To The Statehouse" and "1/12th of my Life (or why Popcorn?)". Those two are related to EMS and Scouting. I myself am more partial to the ones in the four part introduction and the ones where I discuss my beliefs.

So... I will ask my first request in this blog: If you would, take a moment to leave a comment telling me what you like about the blog (or do not like). Also, if there is something you would like to see more of, comment on that also. If you choose to comment in your language I will use the translate feature to read it. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment!

God bless! ...and by all means keep reading!

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