Thursday, April 28, 2016

In the Wake of the Ree-ism, I was Reminded of the Ultimate Luke-ism...

Shortly after my last entry, a collection of "Ree-isms" from my now seven-year-old daughter, my loving wife reminded me of the ultimate short discourse from out of my then 11-year-old son Luke.

Luke has been the topic of several blog entries as he is the quiet, reclusive member of the Turpen offspring. He prefers to stay out of the limelight, conversations, activities... well you get the point. He only comes out of his shell at times and places of his choosing.

That being said...

A little over a year ago, at the height of the national focus on Ebola, a short verbal exchange occurred. This time it was not from Rhiannon, but from Luke.

To set the stage, my wife was at work and I had Michael (15), Luke (11), Peter (6) and Rhiannon (6) in the car on the way to a late dinner. It was dark and cold outside and everyone was bundled up and a bit on the quiet side. A news report on Ebola had just finished on the radio. We were stopped at a traffic light.

Luke (from the back seat): "Dad?"

Me: "Yes?"

Luke: "How much is a biohazard suit?"

At this point I was thinking that he must be finding the whole Ebola topic disturbing. Silly me... I was so wrong."

Me: "They can be pretty expensive, why?"

Luke: "We're going to need five of them."

Michael (interjecting from the front seat): "Five? There are six of us including Mom."

Luke (without hesitation): "Because I'm not buying one for you!"

Michael looks out the window, shaking his head while he realized the ultimate set up on him had played out perfectly using Ebola as the backdrop.


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