Monday, September 24, 2012

The Idea... Part 1

For this entry, I would like to start with a rather lengthy set of notations I made in my handwritten journal from early last week. For some reason I got very prolific with a pen and a little leather bound book. Whether it was the sheer combined boredom and terror of air travel, or just the stress of the busiest week of life… I am not sure. So here goes!

One of the late Aircraft

“2:11pm Pacific Time – Las Vegas, NV: On a plane heading to Dallas and from there, home to Evansville. Plane is late arriving at the gate as has been the norm for me lately. Can’t wait to take off and head home. Miss my wife and kids.
Looking down at Lake Mead from about 20,000 feet shortly after take off. No words to describe it. I need to start a blog. It needs to have entries in several areas: Family, Personal Ministry, Scouting and against my personal desires and judgment, logic tells me to include EMS.
It has been less than two weeks since Governor Mitch Daniels appointed me to be Chairman of the Indiana EMS Commission… Now the pressure is on. How do insert positive change? How can we as the Commission become more proactive and less reactive? How do we insert more evidence-based practice into Indiana EMS? Meanwhile, I watch the west slide under me as we fly…
On the flight out to Vegas yesterday I read John Chapter 6. This chapter really clarifies Communion even more for me. I must try to figure out how to explain this better in my own words.
The Captain just came on. We are at 25,000 feet now and we are over the Grand Canyon... amazing site. So many things that I may never see up close. My path is where ever God leads. Not my will but Thine.
Note to self: Must look for the little airport I see near the South Rim on Google Earth. I learned some things about simulation on this trip. We must do more of this in EMS. It will tell us a lot more than just looking at data and using our intuition to affect change. Simulation allows us to live through the scenario and trial minor changes. I do think it is as billed... a key to improvement at a faster rate.

The Grand Canyon - September 18, 2012

I can almost see in my mind's eye Genesis 1:1-10 as I look down at the Grand Canyon, the surrounding plateaus, cliffs and deep valleys. I can see the seas running off as the land was made to divide the waters. It plays like a movie in my head.I simply cannot disbelieve creation. It makes perfect sense to me. The creation lies before me.

I hope I can make my connection in Dallas. It's going to be close.
After awhile, I can see the snow capped Rockies off to the extreme NNW. Maybe we will fly near Philmont and some of its geophysical features might be visible to me, at least maybe some of the ones I know. Hoping. I will wait for the Rockies to align to the north before I try and see the Sangre de Cristo range in New Mexico and Philmont. Uracca Mesa maybe? Rayado?"
{At this point I will spare you from the half page diatribe regarding "boxer" chips and Ginger Ale and the relation to childhood memories}
"Over Albuquerque now with Sante Fe off in the distance to the NW. A few minutes later I can see the Sangre de Cristo range of the Rockies and where Philmont is to the lower horizon to the north. Philmont here's to thee, Scouting paradise... out in God's country... as the song goes. I need to go back!
We just flew ESE over I-40. I can see the New Mexico escarpment off to the north. To think it has been around four years since I was surprised by the sudden turn in the road on NM HWY 39 as we left Mosquero. The road suddenly went from East to South, descending some 800 feet of elevation in 9/10ths of a mile along the wall of the escarpment. It was like a sea turtle 'WHOA' from Finding Nemo.
Texas now? I can see large areas of generating windmills below (to think that each blade is the length of a semi with trailer). Now even more windmills to the north. Both sets were along the upper edges of plateaus. Flight coming to and end. Seems like a fast two hours and forty minutes. Hope so. Will have to run to the gate to make my next flight.
Thank you Lord for taking care of me even when I don't ask!! Gates are close together!"
We will call this the end of Part I as I landed in Dallas. There was yet again another flight delay that allowed a shot at a Bison Burger. Why am I realying this? The week of September 17th was extremely busy for me. The trip to Vegas was short (less than 24 hours on the ground there). And the week had many interesting high points for me... only one of which was a burst of prolific journal entries.
If you choose to stay on this ride with me, you will know me well.
Till I have a few more minutes to type... I will leave you with some pictures of my sons and myself with Governor Daniels from earlier this year. Namaste

My son Michael (middle row on right side - White Neckercheif) with Governor Daniels 2012

Myself meeting Governor Daniels

My son Luke with Governor Daniels

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