Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas and New Years 2018: Things To Ponder

As I look back on 2018, I almost want to hang my head as the untoward events of the year seem to immediately leap out and demand a predominate place in the seat of memories. This past year has given us tons of negative material at which we had to take notice as our attention was held many times in the inescapable grip of the unbelievable. Much of the violence that gripped our city at the beginning of the year continued on, and even though at a lessening scale throughout the year, became the new nor at which to become accustomed to in daily life. I still find it outside the realm of comprehension that we had a public safety ambush that ended in two lives lost and several bullet-riddled police cruisers. It was a year that left more persons working in public safety wanting body armor than ever before. We watched as soft body armor transitioned into the desire for plate carriers. Violence was not the lone marker of the year though…

O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel

We still watch on as a nation becomes more and more divided over issues. A nation born from the desire to be free to speak now burns with a fire on both sides of the fence to curtail any language that offends either side. Religion is at the forefront of this battle with each side seeking only to have their belief recognized as the only one that should be free from restriction. I am not immune from this. I too want no restriction on the practices of my faith, but at the same time wish to be free from recognizing the practices of another if it means the curtailing of my own. Civil discourse has in many cases been lost to the wind and replaced with redefinition and rhetoric. The issues are many and the solutions seem to be few. Some issues, even though less engaging, seem to be there for the sole purpose of our politician to have a bone on which to chew come platform and election time. These are the ones that never seem to find a solution… healthcare “reform” (for lack of a better term), education (especially in the area of standardized assessment testing) and immigration. Do you ever notice how these never seem to go away but just hang in the background while costs related to them seem to skyrocket? And through all of this, telemarketer phone calls are simply allowed to intrude and insert whatever undesired message they will force upon us… multiple times each day. They seem to be the only ones with real freedom of speech (and intrusion).

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satan’s tyranny
From depths of Hell Thy people save
And give them victory o’er the grave
Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, o Israel

The slow, subtle onslaught of the attack on our families and lifestyle. In many cases, parents are forced to argue with their own children over what is right, wrong, wholesome and gentile. The family unit is no longer what it was in the past. Not only is the family dinner table in many cases lost to time but the desire to be there seems to be dead as well. Losing a “friend” on a social media platform is now far more of an impact than losing a real friend which lessens the value of both. Friendship is now just an electronic switch to be toggled on and off. Standards are now fuzzy things designed for in the moment interpretation. “Attention” is the real thing today. It comes in two forms ready for the picking of your desire. The first is that of seeking attention. All eyes must be on me for I am the center of the universe (or so we think until humiliated). The second is for that which holds our attention. People are no longer good for that purpose. People have been replaced by Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and Snap-chat. People are now distant annoying things. Humility and caring has been lost. Many are material and step on others for their own humor. Many have even succumbed to believing the lies they tell themselves and others. Shortcuts to obtaining that which you want must certainly be good, right?

O come, Thou Day-Spring
Come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
And death’s dark shadows put to flight
Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, o Israel

My family has been beaten by the world this year. We started out at the end of last year on a really precarious footing. We had a break in at the old property which we have been trying to get off our plate. There was quite a bit of damage and disruption that is still ongoing dealing with that issue (not to mention the negative financial impact of having two homes… there is however the gift of God that will soon bring this chapter to a close). Then a very expensive repair to the new house to prevent erosion and a wall collapse. Medical issues abounded this year, with my wife’s condition that we thought was under control bounding back full force this year (and it has taken a year to re-identify, trial medications, find quality practitioners and start to get it back under control). Time at home has been at a premium as all have activities and growth opportunities. Family member’s decisions will play out to have an impact on all as well. Now the furnace seems to lean toward dying as well so we will see how that plays out. But through all there has been a safety net which has appeared out of nowhere to assist and keep us from falling farther.

O come, Thou Key of David, come
And open wide our heavenly home
Make safe the way that leads on high
And close the path to misery
Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, o Israel

There have been the good things this past year. The work of my career has been fruitful and much has been done. I can end the year filling good there as it was busy and productive even though there is always much to be done. I have taken the time to learn new things and find different methods to communicate what I have learned so that the wealth of knowledge can be spread (apparently that was not through this blog this year as I failed dismally there on frequency of content). People managed to sneak a few things in on me this year that were real surprises as well (or maybe with age my guard has somewhat lost its edge). I must look at the fact that the house is still standing, the cars are still running and a new lawn mower was made available at an unbelievable price (as quoted in the movie Zombieland, “Rule #32 – Enjoy the Little Things”). As it even turns out, none of our Christmas ornaments were actually stolen in the break in at the old house (including the Star Trek ones I have collected over the years). We have about two cords of firewood for the wood burner. We are gainfully employed. We have had assistance when and if it was truly needed, always appearing at the right time. My fear is that we will miss the opportunity to rise up and help when needed so I am always looking that direction. There were gifts under the tree, fewer in number than in the past, but even the youngest in the family realizes that under the tree is not where the gifts really are…

O come, O come, Thou Lord of might
Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai’s height
In ancient times did’st give the Law
In cloud, and majesty and awe
Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, o Israel

So with Advent and Christmas, which will be followed quickly by a New Year and Epiphany, we are directed back to the start of the Gospels, and even before that to the Old Testament Prophets. Isaiah 9, Isaiah 11, and Micah 5:2 and many others tell us how the opening chapters of the Gospel of our Lord will run… and it plays out as foretold. As it played out in the life of Christ it still plays out today. No one at the time could understand what He really came to do… until he did it. Christian authors and church fathers have spent two thousand years trying to get people to understand. In a way we are no different today. It doesn’t fit the logic of our minds. It doesn’t fit our desires. It just doesn’t fit. The cross and empty tomb… the body and the blood… the binding of sins… is all folly to our worldly hearts. Yet it is as easy to sense in reality of how we continue on and will continue on after death as the wind that blows across our face yet we question not from where the wind comes (John 3:8).
Whether it is 2017 or 2019… it does not really matter. Our lot is not solely in this world but in what has been done in it and outside of it by Christ Alone. 

Regardless of what happens. Regardless of how earthly things turn out. We need to take joy in the
fact that those believing are the Church, the bride of Christ. It is hard to say the daily sadness of the world around us does not matter. We are called as servants to make an impact which is the evidence of Christ in us, delivering His work into the world around us. To our worldly hearts and minds we have a hard time looking beyond the realities present in the world around us that can be atrocious and devastating. But the Faith that is instilled in us demands that we look further. Hebrews 11:1 says: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” That faith shows us that that regardless of what the world around us delivers, the end has already been directed and decided. Our price was paid by a baby… a baby announced to Isaiah and Micah… a baby announced to His virgin mother by the angel Gabriel… a baby announced to shepherds… a baby that was both God and man… a baby that walked the path of man without sin… a baby that was eventually a man that was beaten and crucified for us because of our infractions.

The words of Isaiah 53, written over 700 years before Christ’s birth, describe His death and the fact that it was for our transgressions as He was blameless.

We cling to an ancient belief and we cling to it with our very existence because:

“For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” – I Corinthians 1:18

With that… it is late in the evening following Christmas Day. I am sitting alone looking at the lights of the Christmas tree in a dark room while the dog looks up at me. He wants part of my Christmas cookie.

I shall sit and contemplate the good and bad in the world for a few more minutes before I retire.

And give the dog the corner off the cookie…

Come Lord Jesus.

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