Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Two Tactical Flashlights, A Shemagh And A Third Grade Project

Two tactical flashlights, a shemagh and a third grade project, all under a sky showing an absurd dance between a sliver of a crescent moon, Venus and Mars.

Sounds like a prelude to some terroristic, apocalyptic event does it not?

Nothing could be further from the truth. Normally I keep abreast of interesting things and the schedule by which the show up in the sky. This was not the case tonight. I have been a bit busy and was not really aware that Venus was going to be shining brightly above a thin crescent moon with a smaller Mars off to the side. I noticed this event in the sky on my way to pick up the twins just after dark.

Rhiannon had reminded me this morning that they had to be taken to the riverfront to do crayon rubbings of the state seals for their assigned states regarding a third grade project. This started a week ago when we had to look up state nick names about a week ago. Those nicknames were the first things on a page long list of stuff they needed to learn about a state.

She had Tennessee. Peter had North Carolina. Both of them were engaged. The twins are two of my kids that take homework very seriously and glow when they know they have completed a homework assignment in an exceptional fashion. One of the last things on this list was the rubbings.

You see, we have a great resource for this in Evansville... the Four Freedoms Monument. It sits on our riverfront downtown and is comprised of an elevated areas with four columns representing our American freedoms that are surrounded by concrete monoliths representing the states in order of admission. Each of these contains a large metal state seal in relief. There is even a time capsule to be opened in 2176.

We bundled up to brave the cold wind coming off the Ohio River, grabbed the flashlights and headed downtown. You have to park about a block away and walk to the small plaza containing the monument. The river runs on one side and the buildings of downtown are visible on the other. Peter used a flashlight as we walked through the grass. Rhiannon had the rolled up commensurate two pieces of large paper and the crayon.

Of course, North Carolina was nestled amongst the 13 isolated monoliths representing the original states. Peter quickly, but meticulously made his rubbing, being careful not to break the only crayon we had brought with us.

We then moved to Tennessee and Rhiannon completed her homework by rubbing the crayon over the waxy paper laid atop the seal.

We spent a bit discussing the order the
states were admitted and then the four columns and the freedoms carved into each of these tall icons. We discussed the importance of those freedoms, dwelling a bit longer on the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech.

The occasional moment was taken to note the celestial beauty of the moon and accompanying planets in their odd dance of this evening. The twins are adept at noticing the planets and pointing out the
difference in how they appear from stars when viewed from Earth.

I walked a bit ahead in the dark when it was time to head back to the car. I heard them talking about finishing this week-long assignment on their designated states. It was obvious that had enjoyed it and had learned quite a few things.

On the way home we discussed the times we have been in those two states and the
fun we had there. Again, these two enjoy their homework so it is easy to insert extra facts and draw correlations.

I enjoy times like these. Especially those where you enable them to learn on their own and make connections. I also love having two kids who enjoy our local riverfront. They learn about our country, our world, the night sky and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our school is a great gift that has the ability to teach in all areas of life, including that which is most important... our faith.

Hearing them sing together the songs that they learn is always a joy and reminds me that we have them in the right place at the right time:

Praise to the Father, and to the Son, And to the Spirit; God Three-in-One. With all the saints and angels we bring Glory and honor as we now sing.

Upon the Rock of Salvation we stand; Jesus will bring us to His Father’s land! Faithfully rest on Jesus, God’s Son, Who, for the world, salvation has won!

Homework, nighttime adventures by flashlight and singing songs from memory.

I am but the driver... the transportation. Parenting is all about getting them there.

The shemagh? Well... it's to keep my neck warm. I'm getting older you know.

A few more pictures from this evening below...
Taken by David Hampton near Holland, IN
Taken by Melissa Hall

Four Freedoms, the Moon and Venus (Mars
is to faint to see)



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