Sunday, November 1, 2015

In My Defense

After listening to the sermon today on All Saint’s Day, my mind wandered a bit in the afternoon as I went in to spend some time covering on the ambulance. This line of thinking continued through lunch and now that my commitment to EMS for the day has ended, I am going to endeavor to write this down and relay it to you.

Again, as I point out quite often, I am no theologian. I have to apologize up front if I err or if the timeline is not quite right to place those conversing in this piece together in a timeframe where this conversation would occur. Either way, I still think it is a good representation of what is going through my head today.

Maybe it was triggered by the overview and segregation of the components of the Old Testament in adult bible study this morning… maybe it was spurred on by the most appropriate sermon for All Saint’s Day… but either way, here it comes.

Law and Gospel.

The Law condemns and the Gospel saves.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of me. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.  – The Holy Gospel of John 1:1-5 ESV

So, as I took was partaking in the Sacrament of the Altar today, this thought began. I started think of Jesus as the defender. The defender of what? The defender of me?

At first, I pictured Christ sort of as a lawyer as this was milling around in my brain. I then thought that this was far from the case. How had Jesus defended his position when questioned? He had done so with scripture. How had he defended himself in front of Pharisees? Again, with scripture. No fancy convoluted arguments. Scripture.

Then lastly, how had he answered Satan when tempted? Scripture.

Christ, my defender, Christ my Redeemer would use the Word, being the Word himself.

So… Here is the little thought process that ran through my head most of the day today.

In the presence of God, blinding white, pure light, elevated above all things… I envision this as that vision seen by John
when the saints are present. I also think of Satan, with his head held firmly against a gray rock, the rock being there for this sole purpose, by the foot of the archangel Michael. The fallen creature constantly sputtering accusations against all men throughout history. Knowing that he is trapped under the foot of Michael and condemned by God to total separation from God. His fate is sealed. He is now the accuser, trying to reap his own harvest through knowing that sin separates Man from God for eternity.

I can hear Satan now as he throws out my sin in what he believes to be an unfaltering argument that I deserve the same fate as he. And he is correct, I do DESERVE the same fate as he…

“Even today, he has sinned many times. Many times without number. He has failed. He has not been meek. He has overlooked those in need. He has not made your kingdom first. He has failed and deserves the same fate as I,” as his hissing, vile sounding words are aimed to the father.

Before the accusation ends, Christ answers. “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the World!”

I am reminded that I am a baptized child of God. My sins have been forgiven.

Satan writhes beneath St. Michael’s foot, unmoving with the power of God to hold the fallen one captive. He exhorts once more… “Even today, he has not shown compassion. He has yelled at his children, he has not been caring. He has hurried, to his own ends. He has been greedy with his time and his money. His mind is not on you, God. He claims to try, but by your own acknowledgement there are none good! No not one! Therefore he has failed and deserves the same fate as I.

Christ does not even raise His head nor open his eyes, but speaks in the same authoritative voice as before. “Whatever is bound on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever is loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

I am reminded that I am but a poor miserable sinner, having failed in thought, word and deed. I have also been absolved of that sin through the Office of the Keys and confessional absolution.

Satan’s anger grows, as it has welled with each statement he has made, against every believer throughout history… “He is filled with lust for the creation and without natural love for the creator. He seeks his own glory over yours. He cannot even go out amongst men without hurrying along, making his own agenda a priority over the needs of others. At time, you God are far from his thoughts. He repents… and then fails in another place and time. You must give him the same fate as I! It is only fair. He has failed your law!”

Christ opens his eyes to looking past Satan as He speaks. “Take eat, this is my body. This is the blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
I am comforted by the Sacrament of the Altar, mystic sweet communion, knowing that my sins are forgiven as the Lord has instituted.

Satan nearly screams in punished, maniacal laughter as he retorts. “He is evil. He has the sin of Adam in him. Your creation chose to turn on You. This one is just another example of one who desires all to benefit himself and not You. His actions, You cannot even bear to look upon! He must be separated from You as he as just as sickening as I who have been condemned. He must have the same fate as I!”

Jesus stands form His position at the right hand of the Father, opening His arms wide to show the scarred hands. “I was pierced for his transgressions; I was crushed for his iniquities.”

Satan seizes out of control under Michael’s foot. The foot of a warrior angel. “He MUST die! He must be bound with the same punishment as I. There is no good in him! Send him to the same fate as I!”

Satan is correct. There is no good within me that comes from me or my willingness to do good. The only good in me is that placed there by God.

Jesus, does not even answer Satan this time. He turns to the Father. Christ the intercessor, Christ the Redeemer, and says, “Tetelestai! It is finished!”

And for my case, Satan is silenced for all eternity. He can no longer accuse. His fate is sealed and so is mine. I shall not share his fate. The trial is over. I have inherited the kingdom of Heaven.

Sola Scriptura. Scripture Alone.

Christ defends me with the Word as He is the Word.
For a great sermon on the word "Sola" and how the Solas properly describe our faith, you can view an excellent sermon from October 25, 2015 by the Rev. Chad Eckels at the link below. He, unlike me, is a theologian.

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