Monday, October 5, 2015

Reflections on three decades of change from this morning:

Reflections on three decades of change from this morning:
Then: "I need to get a second backboard on my unit before we get a run."
Now: "I have one board. I'm good."
Then: "Medic 12 has a brake problem so it is down."
Now: " Medic 12 is down for a WiFi reset."
Then: "He has chest pain... put him on a non-rebreather mask at 10 lpm."
Now: "He has chest pain... and an O2 sat of 96%. Do not apply oxygen."
Then: "She is having PVC's at eight a minute. Give Her 80mg of Lidocaine."
Now: "Look... that's a lot of PVCs."
Then: "They are unconscious and D50 did not work... give 2 mg of Narcan IV."
Now: "Unconscious with respirations of 14. No need to give any intranasal Narcan."
Then: "Giving peds pain relief can be dangerous. Make sure you have a line in place."
Now: "The kid's in pain. Give him some intranasal Fentanyl."
Then: "Give 25gm of D50."
Now: "Give 25gm of D10."
Then: "Put the gel on the paddles so I can defibrillate."
Now: "Get the combination electrodes on the patient."
Then: "Thiamine prevents Wernicke-Korsikoff's Syndrome."
Now: "Thiamine does not prevent anything."
Then: "See if we can hit 80mph before we get to Washington and Vann."
Now: "Make sure you come to a full stop at that red light."

Then: "Sixty seconds from decision to endotracheal tube placement and a patent airway."
Now: "Thirty seconds from decision to i-gel placement and a patent airway."
Then: "Watch this"
Now: "Shoot a video of this on your phone."
Then: "I have to turn in this report."
Now: " I have to transmit this report."
Then: "Where is my pen?"
Now: "Where is my stylus?"
Then: "Direct pressure - elevation - pressure dressing - pressure point - tourniquet (and if you use the tourniquet they will amputate the limb)."
Now: "Direct pressure - tourniquet (and you may need three or four)."

Then: "Apply MAST and start two large bore IVs of Lactated Ringer's wide open."
Now: "Give fluids to maintain a pressure of 90 systolic."
Till next time... have fun with that...

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